Thursday, February 10, 2011

I was sitting at a corner table in Barista with a pen in hand, and my writing pad opened to a fresh new page. For the past fifteen minutes I had been staring blankly at the white sheet in front of me, unable to write anything. But, as soon as a cup of Cappuccino was placed in front of me, an idea struck and I started scribbling. And, this is what I wrote about for the next fifteen minutes.
The road of writing - anything - is not at all a smooth one. It is full of both, potholes and speed breakers. While writing something a stage comes when the writer is blank. I mean to say a writer faces what is generally called a 'Writer's Block'.
In a layman's language, 'Writer's Block' simply means a phase when the writer fails to write anything, even though there may be a thousand ideas flooding that head of his at the same time. It is a phase when words fail him, and the ink refuses to flow out from his pen. This phase can last from a few minutes to months on end. And I can say, from my personal experience, it is very frustrating, frustrating beyond limits.
In my opinion, the only way to overcome this roadblock is to forget about it. Let yourself loose, stop thinking about what you're writing or want to write about, and I assure you that a time would come when that roadblock would move out of your way, words would form and flow out in the form of ink from your pen.
I don't know what more to say, nay write because I, myself, am going through this phase, and just waiting for the day it would end, so that I can resume my writing.
But this shouldn't stop you from forming and creating ideas for writing when the time comes.


  1. Chitra Parmar said...:

    experience speaks haan writer !! I didn't know much about ... thanks for sharing it on your blog

  1. sonia said...:

    faced by many writers...the dreaded writers block.I liked your little tryst with it though...

  1. Manu said...:

    What should I say when u r going through the thing called "writer's block" you can write this much :P imagine if you are always high on adrenaline and words spring up what could be the outcome.! Dude, get on get going all the best..

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